Hi I decided to check out this blog idea. As I write I am not even 100 % sure what a blog is yet ?
Anyway, I decided to get into the hobby of Reef Keeping. I think a blog might be a good way to
share my experience and what I have learned setting up a 30 gallon nano reef.
I set my reef up in September 08, converting a fresh water tank that has been in the family since I was 12, almost 34 years. It was once a salt water tank, then aturtle tank for my brother, and finally he gave it back to me. I set up another fresh water tank...but always wanted to get back into salt water...
Well now I am back..This time with live corals and invertabrates.
My 30 Gallon Nano has about 40 ilbs of Fiji live rock and th following inhabitants
Fire Goby ( Dart Fish)
Six Line Wrasee
Hawaiin Yellow Tang
Pacific Blue Tang
Yellow Tale Damsel
Condalactys Anemone
Ten Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
One Horshoe Crab
One mystery Rock Crab
4 Turbo Snails
another mystery snail
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Branching Tree Coral
Hammer Coral
Frogspawn Coral
Sun Polyps
Sun Coral ( Tubastrea)
Acropora (SPS)
Autralian War Coral
Platygyrus Open Brain Coral
Pom Pom Xenia
Green Star Polyps
Zoonathids various colors
Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer
Nova Extreme 4x39 W T5 HO Fiji Purple, Actinic, 10 K Daylight
10 Gallon Refugium DIY
Battery Back-up DIY
Dosing system Kalkwasser DIY....
Auto Top Off DIY
Friday, May 22, 2009
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